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Agathos Kai Kakos

Agathos Kai Kakos

Meaning of the painting: The dark background denotes tough situations,the flower represents sweet dreams and the beautiful face of the woman tells us that great things do come from tough situations.

Size of the Paintings: A3 

Material Used: Charcoal pencil, graphite pastel coloured pencil.

Artist Bio

Abdel MB Sesay

Abdel is a Sierra Loenean based artist and a self taught greyscale and charcoal pencil artist. He got inspired to draw through some fiction things he normal see since young age. Abdel is so skilled in doing his work and besides been an Artist he is a 1st class Honors Degree holder in Global Challenges from the African Leadership University Kigali Rwanda. He is dedicated, Proactive, fun to be with and always make sure to meet accurate deadlines.. He is also a footballer, traveller and like exploring new things.

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Meaning of the painting: A young Sierra Leonean lady portraying a distressed mind as a result of drug(Kush) addiction

Size of the Paintings: A3 

Material Used: Charcoal pencil, graphite pastel coloured pencil.

Artist Bio

Abdel MB Sesay

Abdel is a Sierra Loenean based artist and a self taught greyscale and charcoal pencil artist. He got inspired to draw through some fiction things he normal see since young age. Abdel is so skilled in doing his work and besides been an Artist he is a 1st class Honors Degree holder in Global Challenges from the African Leadership University Kigali Rwanda. He is dedicated, Proactive, fun to be with and always make sure to meet accurate deadlines.. He is also a footballer, traveller and like exploring new things.

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Hope not Lost

Hope not Lost

Meaning of the painting: A fourteen year old rape victim prevented from reporting her rapist through the use of money, power, and trying not to listen to the community stigmatization which she faced.

Size of the Paintings: A3 

Material Used: Charcoal pencil, graphite pastel coloured pencil.

Artist Bio

Abdel MB Sesay

Abdel is a Sierra Loenean based artist and a self taught greyscale and charcoal pencil artist. He got inspired to draw through some fiction things he normal see since young age. Abdel is so skilled in doing his work and besides been an Artist he is a 1st class Honors Degree holder in Global Challenges from the African Leadership University Kigali Rwanda. He is dedicated, Proactive, fun to be with and always make sure to meet accurate deadlines.. He is also a footballer, traveller and like exploring new things.

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