New Investments

AI-Powered Weather Forecasting Startup Salient Raises $2.9M

Salient Predictions, a startup that develops AI-powered weather forecasting solutions, has secured a $2.9 million grant courtesy of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

The funding is poised to be instrumental in advancing Salient’s mission to provide more accurate and actionable weather forecasts for smallholder farmers in East Africa.

The company’s AI-powered platform uses data from a variety of sources, including satellites, ground stations, and weather models, to generate hyper-local weather forecasts for farmers.

The $2.9 million funding is a significant milestone for Salient Predictions as it will allow the company to develop new products and services that can help farmers improve their yields and reduce their risk.

Salient Predictions’ AI-powered weather forecasting platform can help farmers make better decisions about when to plant, sow, and irrigate their crops.

This can lead to increased yields and reduced losses. The platform can also help farmers to plan for extreme weather events, such as droughts and floods.

The success of Salient Predictions will have a positive impact on the East African agricultural sector.

It will also help to improve food security and reduce poverty in the region.

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