African Changemaker

Dr. Ola Brown

Ola is a Nigerian-British medical doctor, entrepreneur, philanthropist, and a true visionary in the world of healthcare.

She is best known for her work in healthcare in West Africa, particularly in Nigeria. Driven by her passion for making a difference, Dr Ola founded Flying Doctors Nigeria in 2011 to revolutionize medical evacuation and healthcare solutions across Nigeria and West Africa.

She is also the Founder of Health Cap Africa, an Africa-focused investment firm with a mission to improve the lives of 1.4 billion+ Africans by investing in assets that create a healthier world.

Beyond her entrepreneurial endeavours, Ola is involved in various philanthropic initiatives and has spoken at numerous conferences and events, advocating for improved healthcare infrastructure and access to medical services in Africa. She is considered a prominent figure in healthcare entrepreneurship and has received several awards for her contributions.

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