Freetown Cotton Tree

Size of the Paintings:  12 In by 16 In

Artist Bio

Ranya S. Nirvan

Born in Kenema, in the Eastern Province of Sierra Leone, West Africa. Ranya is a Glass Painting Artist who fell in love with Glass Painting in Jaipur, India. She has been creating glass painting for over a Decade, and She is inspired by all forms of African art and Passionate about elevating Sierra Leonean Art to the next level.
Ranya uses glass and solvent based liquid paint to create her art, which she paints directly onto the glass. A fan of bright colors, contrast, and abstract art, Ranya strives to add personal touches to each piece of Art she creates.
Ranya is proud to say she’s the only Glass painting Artist in her country Sierra Leone

Ranya is a National Award winner of the following for the best Female Artist.

1.The Sister’s Choice Award in 2018.

2. The imperial Kabalai award in 2019.

3. NEA Award( National Entertainment Award) in 2021

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