The project aims to establish one of the largest data centres in the region, equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and cutting-edge technology.
The collaboration promises to unlock vast possibilities for Egypt’s booming digital economy and strengthen the nation’s position as a regional technology hub. With data consumption skyrocketing, this expansive data centre will cater to the escalating needs of businesses, organizations, and individuals, offering secure and reliable data storage and processing capabilities.
The centre will have a capacity of 25 megawatts (MW) that is expected to double to 50 MW as expansion plans are implemented. The project aims to meet the region’s underserved data markets.
Africa-focused agribusiness investment firm AgDevCo has received a significant financial boost through an $85 million joint investment from Swedfund, British International Investment (BII), and Norfund.
The British International Investment (BII) has announced an additional $4 million investment in SunCulture, a Kenya-based company specializing in solar energy solutions and irrigation equipment.
Acumen has invested in Wami Agro, a Ghanaian agritech startup.
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